I really hate when there's more month than money. I'm going to have to do something drastic soon....
I've gotten to the point where i'm frustrated beyond belief job hunting. The temp agencies here are seriously unhelpful, and i'm really tired of the attitude here. Ugh. AND I hate interviews. REALLY hate interviews. Enough with the b.s. already!
Anyways, I'm hoping to find something (even in retail/bar) that will help me get through this joblessness.
Other than that, I had my first tomatoes from the balcony today for lunch. They were good! I baked bread this morning, almost have all the dishes done (I also hate washing dishes, but I like them more than interviews!), and I have food in the kitchen. I'm doing okay. I have a Boy who likes me, friends who love me, and i'm still mostly sane...
that's good, right?