Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

Well, it's 2014, and all three of us are down with the ick.  BB has had it the longest, TB second longest. I held of until yesterday to catch this darn cold. Ick indeed.

So, January 2014 is no spend month, which means we are not buying anything unless it is absolutely necessary (like fresh fruit and milk for BB). I've read several blogs about doing a month of no spending - and a couple of them who have done it for a year! I'm testing the waters this month, and if I succeed, then I'm going to go another month. It might be hard to do once the snow is gone and gardening is firmly in my mind (not that it isn't already, just hard to do with two feet of snow to dig through first).

What are your plans/resolutions for 2014?

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